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Fin-ternet of Things: IoT for better operations & substantial savings in Banking & Finance Sectors!

MosChip is a ‘One-Stop-Shop’ that understand the banking needs and help bankers focus on their business eliminating the need for running after multiple vendors!

We help you save costs on multiple aspects including:

  • Energy
  • Power generators
  • Loan recoveries
  • Field-force management
  • Facility management

MosChip takes ownership of identifying savings opportunities, developing the best-fi­t custom solution, deploying the solution and then delivering time bound savings over a 1-2 year period. We have acquired banking domain expertise by taking on board Industry consultants.

MosChip provides professionally managed, cost-effective services to help the COOs and facility managers to rope in operational efficiency by:

  • Improving visibility in operations
  • Stopping revenue leakages
  • Providing best practices based on historical usage and analytics

MosChip has a proven track record of successfully deploying M2M/IoT solutions across the globe, providing organizations and departments with a central control point for all remote monitoring needs, supporting the deployment phase of the project and support,

1. MosChip’s “no-wire” smart energy solutions help you save 25-30% on energy consumption

With rising prices of energy that have shot up over 30% in 5 years, energy costs of the branches have become an important factor that needs to be smartly managed. Increasing environmental regulations are also forcing banks to reduce the energy footprint.

Indiscriminate usage of electricity is something that kills profits. Here are some culprits:

  • HVAC appliances
  • Digital signages
  • Exterior lights.

How do we help in managing and reducing energy consumption?

MosChip helps facility managers by:

  • Co-relating demand and peak hour energy usage to help facility managers to “schedule” usage of electrical appliances
  • Reducing usage of electricity in idle hours, for example, digital signages, air conditioners, exterior lights etc.
  • Minimizing misuse of electricity during non-working hours or holidays

What is the solution about?

A simple wireless retrofit solution that needs a non-working weekend to get installed helps you instantly reap benefits. The solution consists of:

  1. Wireless modules that connect to HVAC appliances and digital signages for regulating usage.
  2. Wireless energy meters – one or more can be attached based on size of bank branch and number of sections to be monitored
  3. Cloud connectivity data concentrator to push data to IoT server for analytics and monitoring.

We thus provide you an innovative energy management platform that includes robust and wireless electronics and intelligent analytics framework to uncover energy saving insights and ensure the sustainability of the realized savings!

2. MosChip’s comprehensive diesel generator monitoring solutions help you save 15-20% on diesel usage

Use of diesel generators in rural areas and Tier-II cities is extensive and thus the revenue leakages are huge! Here are some numbers that indicate the losses.

HeadRural areasTier-II cities
Average DG usage hours per day64
Average fuel required per hour in liters (Running at optimal load of 80%)44
Total fuel required per day (litres)2416
% losses due to fuel theft and shortfalls15%10%
% Loss due to idling5%5%
Actual fuel required considering loses (in litres)28.818.4
Average fuel loss per day (litres)4.82.4
Total INR loss suffered per day278139
Monthly INR loss8,3524,176
Yearly INR loss1,00,22450,112

With this kind of annual losses, MosChip’s solutions provide you power/diesel generator monitoring solutions with an estimated RoI of less than 6 months!

How do we help in monitoring generators?

MosChip helps facility managers by:

  • Reducing spending on fuel usage
  • Monitoring un-necessary operational hours
  • Ensuring timely maintenance for no-downtimes

What is the solution about?

A simple wireless retrofit solution that needs six hours to get installed helps you instantly reap benefits. The solution consists of:

  1. Telematics device to monitor generator condition and operational hours.
  2. Fuel sensor to monitor short-fills and pilferages.
  3. IoT cloud server for monitoring generator and sending alerts.

  3. MosChip’s asset management solutions for reducing 7.6% NPA’s

Tracking vehicles when the loan is in default is okay – no rocket science! Old technology! But how about knowing ahead of time about the performance of assets and probability of getting that asset getting it converted in NPA!

With this kind of losses in NPAs, MosChips solutions provide you solutions to monitor productivity and performance and movable assets like cars, trucks, construction and mining equipment! Based on usage, you would know if the assets are going to turn in NPAs

How do we help?

MosChip helps recovery agents by:

  • Monitor the location of asset and areas of operation
  • Providing an analytical report for deriving productivity like:
    • Kilometres traveled by commercial trucks and vehicles
    • Operational hours for construction and mining equipment
  • Get weekly and monthly emails on performance for timely review

What is the solution about?

A simple wireless retrofit solution that needs 20 minutes to get installed helps you reap benefits. The solution consists of:

  1. Telematics devises to location and operational hours.
  2. IoT cloud server for monitoring productivity and sending alerts.

4. MosChip’s in-premise asset management

Monitoring assets in bank premises for better audits and traceability. Condition monitoring, health, and preventive maintenance help reduce downtimes, increase productivity and thus save costs!

What is the solution about?

  • Monitoring health of assets
  • Monitoring location of assets in premises
  • Ensuring maintenance is done in a timely manner

Helps save cost by:

  • Reducing dependency on humans and reduced travel/ labor
  • Increasing life of equipment

For more information on our solutions contact us at [email protected]

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