

Reduce Turnaround time & Faster SoC Design Verification

Revolutionize chip design with MosChip Verification IPs

25 years of revolution in silicon engineering and product engineering services from India to the world.

MosChip’s verification IP’s reusable verification modules that consist of USB functional modules, traffic generators, protocol monitors, and functional coverage blocks. MosChip’s verification helps you accelerate the development of the verification process. MosChip has more than 30+ verification IPs. Our verification IP’s fit into every verification environment and support all simulators’ verification languages.

Verification IPs

xSPI Verification IP provides verification of xSPI (Extended SPI) for devices using the Serial Parallel Interface (SPI) protocol for master and slave modes. It is a reusable, configurable, pre-verified, and plug-and-play verification component developed in System Verilog. MosChip xSPI VIP supports a comprehensive set of protocol, methodology, verification features to help accelerated verification closure of SPI Bus and Flash-based designs. It can be seamlessly integrated with the protocol-aware debug environment to provide operations, transactions, and memory content view for fast and efficient debug.

  • JESD216 protocol with multi-thread logic
  • JESD 251 compliant Protocols 1 & 2
  • Support flexible erase options (4/8/32/64KB block erase)
  • Flexibility – Single VIP supports multiple SPI protocols
  • Plug-and-play integration with most SoCs
  • Allows backdoor read/write access to Mode Registers and Device Memory
  • Dynamic modification of timing parameters
Inter-Integrated-Circuit serial interface for connecting peripherals. Supports 100 Kbps-Standard mode, 400Kbps-Fast mode, 3.4 Mbps-High speed mode, and 5 Mbps-Ultra-fast-mode. If any of the modes are not supported. Current IP supports Master and Slave both
This model implements RS-232 asynchronous transmit and receive logic. This model supports the baud rates from 50bps to 6mbps. This IP can be configurable for data width (5,6,7, and 8), stop bits (1 or 2), and parity (None, Even, Odd, mark, space)

Success Stories

Success Story

Wireless Sensor Network

The Client is US based leading semiconductor company having expertise in…

Success Story

Low cost OpenWRT based custom wireless routers with advanced features

The Client is US based leading semiconductor company having expertise in…

Success Story

Enabling Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) along with SoC provider migration

The Client is US based leading semiconductor company having expertise in…

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